We are still open!!


What are those requirements? Well, pretty much all the same things we have been doing. Some of the changes we enacted with the voluntary shutdown that went above and beyond are now becoming requirements. We are still determined to stay ahead of the curve, so we are still expecting anyone that enters the facility to head right to the bathroom and wash their hands. We are cleaning the facility multiple times a day. We also have Purell stations in the office for staff, patients and guests.

We have already made accommodations for patients that have special instructions based on limitations and allergies to chemicals that are in use to sanitize. If you would like to come in but are worried about this, please give us a call and we will find a way to accommodate you.

We are asking that if you are showing signs of sickness. Fever, runny nose, cough/sneezing, vomiting, etc.. that you contact us and cancel your appointment until you are 24 hours symptom-free.

We will be assessing the situation on a daily basis. I might be reaching out to patients on an individual basis to adjust the schedule to meet/exceed the requirements mandated by the PCA, CDC, and WHO.

We are hoping that everyone is staying safe given the situation we are all facing. Please remember to wash your hands often, clean largely used areas daily, and don't forget to get outside with some of this beautiful sunshine